Doing Ceramic Tile Flooring Installation Properly

Ceramic tiles are one of the most building materials out there today. Affordable yet high in quality, ceramic tiles are very durable and versatile materials. They can withstand severe heat and cold conditions without breaking, they are exceptionally resistant to various chemicals and will never fade nor stain, they have excellent slip-resistant properties and they are relatively easy to clean and maintain. Plus, they can perfectly complement the rest of the house. Doing the installation of ceramic tile on your house floors would probably be the best decision you ever made.

However, there are also proper ways to do tile flooring installation to make full use of these qualities. They are relatively to do even for the non-professional homeowner.

Before doing the ceramic tile flooring installation, first wear the right working clothes and gather the correct materials. Once you’ve got everything ready for the tile flooring installation, then it’s time to begin.

The first thing you need to do for the ceramic tile installation is to make sure the surfaces are flat for the tiles to fit it without any space in between. Also, make sure to clean the floors and apply a little sand.

The next part of the ceramic tile flooring installation process is to take out the baseboards. After that, ensure that your door has enough clearance above the tiles; otherwise you will need to trim it.

Afterwards, the next step of the tile flooring installation process is to decide the room’s focal point. You can accomplish this by using a chalk to mark the center of the room and sides with a perpendicular line, making a cross-like mark in the process.

After that, the next part of the tile installation process is to place the tiles row-by-row by each line and putting a grout marker in-between the line. The grout markers ensure uniformity for the entire layout.  Smear a thin set using a notched trowel on the floor and set the tile in place firmly by lightly tapping using a rubber mallet.

The part of the ceramic tile installation process includes cutting the tiles to make edges of the appliances and walls fit. After that, wipe the thin excess off the tiles and wait at least 24 hours for them to set.

The last step of the ceramic tile installation process is to mix the grout and spread it between the spaces of the tiles until there is no hollow left.  Just like with the thin set, wipe off the excess grout and let it set for at least 10 days before you seal the tiles completely.

Once you’re done, you can now start enjoying the benefits of having ceramic tile flooring.

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